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Letra 'Free' de 'Steven Curtis Chapman' traducida al español

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The sun was beating down inside the walls of stone and razorwire
As we made our way across the prison yard
I felt my heart begiin to race as we drew nearer to the place
Where they say that death is waiting in the dark
The slamming doors of iron echoed through the halls
Where dispair holds life within its cruel claws
But then I met a man whose face seemed so strangely out ofplace
A blinding light of hope was shining in his eyes
And with repentance in his voice he told me of his tragicchoice
That led him to this place where he must pay the price
But then his voice grew strong as he began to tell
About the One he said had rescued him for hell, he said...

I'm free, yeah, oh, I have been forgiven
God's love has taken off my chains and given me these wings
And I'm free, yeah, yeah, and the freedom I've been given
Is something that not even death can take away from me
Because I'm free
Jesus set me free

We said a prayer and said goodbye and tears began to fill myeyes
As I stepped back out into the blinding sun
And even as I drove away I found that I could not escape
The way he spoke of what the grace of God had done
I thought about how sin had sentenced us to die
And how God gave His only Son so you and I could say...

And if the Son has set you free
Oh, if the Son has set you free
Then you are free indeed
Oh, you are really free
If the Son has set you free
Oh, if the Son has set you free
Then you are free, really, really free

Oh, we're free yeah, oh, we have been forgiven
God's grace has broken every chain and given us these wings
And we're free, yeah, yeah, and the freedom we've been given
Is something that not even death can take from you and me
Because we're free, yeah, the freedom we've been given
Is something that not even death can take away from me
Because we're free, oh, we're free
We are free, we are free
The Son has set us free

If the Son has set you free
You are free indeed

El sol caía en el interior de los muros de piedra y razorwire
A medida que nos abrimos paso a través del patio de la prisión
Sentí que mi corazón a begiin carrera, ya que se acercaba al lugar
Cuando dicen que la muerte está esperando en la oscuridad
Las puertas se cierran de golpe de hierro se hizo eco a través de las salas
¿Dónde desesperación tiene vida dentro de sus garras crueles
Pero entonces conocí a un hombre cuyo rostro parecía tan extrañamente fuera ofplace
Una luz cegadora de la esperanza brillaba en sus ojos
Y con el arrepentimiento en su voz que me dijo de su tragicchoice
Eso lo llevó a este lugar donde se debe pagar el precio
Pero luego su voz se hizo más fuerte como él comenzó a contar
Acerca de Aquel a quien dijo lo había rescatado del infierno, dijo ...

Soy libre, sí, oh, yo he sido perdonado
El amor de Dios se ha quitado mis cadenas y me ha dado esas alas
Y yo soy libre, sí, sí, y la libertad que me han dado
Es algo que ni siquiera la muerte puede quitar de mí
Porque soy libre
Jesús me ha librado

Nos dijo una oración y le dijo adiós y las lágrimas comenzaron a llenar myeyes
Como di un paso atrás hacia el sol cegador
Y aun cuando me alejaba me di cuenta que no podía escapar
La forma en que habló de lo que la gracia de Dios tenía don

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