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Letra 'Strange' de 'REM' traducida al español

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(chorus 1)
thereand's something strange going on tonight
thereand's something going on thatand's not quite right
michaeland's nervous and the lights are bright
thereand's something going on thatand's not quite right
(chorus 2)
thereand's something going on that wasnand't here before
keep your eyes glued to the floor
thereand's something strange going on tonight
thereand's something going on thatand's not quite right
(repeat chorus 1)
(repeat chorus 2)
Thereand's something going on that wasnand't here before
keep your eyes glued to the floor
no oneand's going to say goodnight
thereand's something going on thatand's not quite right


(Coro 1)
algo de thereand extraño está pasando esta noche
algo de thereand pasando thatand no está del todo bien
michaeland está nervioso y las luces son brillantes
algo de thereand pasando thatand no está del todo bien
(Coro 2)
algo de thereand pasa que wasnand't aquí antes
Mantenga sus ojos pegados al suelo
algo de thereand extraño está pasando esta noche
algo de thereand pasando thatand no está del todo bien
(Estribillo de la repetición 1)
(Estribillo de la repetición 2)
Algo de thereand pasa que wasnand't aquí antes
Mantenga sus ojos pegados al suelo
no oneand va a decir buenas noches
algo de thereand pasando thatand no está del todo bien

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