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Letra 'A little soul' de 'Pulp' traducida al español

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A little soul

Hey man,
how come you treat your woman so bad?
thatand's not the way you do it.
no no no you shouldnand't do it like that.
i could show you how to do it right.
i used to practice every night on my wife, now sheand's gone.
yeah, sheand's gone.
you see your mother and me,
we never got along that well you see.
Iand'd love to help you
but everybodyand's telling me
you look like me
but please donand't turn out like me.
you look like me
but youand're not like me i know.
i had one, two, three,
four shots of happiness.
i look like a big man
but iand've only got a little soul.
i only got a little soul.
Yeah, i wish i could be an example.
wish i could say i stood up for you
and fought for what was right.
but i never did.
i just wore my trenchcoat and stayed out every single night.
you think iand'm joking?
well, try me.
yeah, try me.
yeah come on, try me tonight.
i did what was wrong though i knew what was right.
iand've got no wisdom that i want to pass on.
just donand't hang round here, no, iand'm telling you son.
you donand't wanna know me.
oh, thatand's just what everybodyand's telling me.
And everbodyand's teling me
you look like me
but please donand't turn into me.
you look like me
but youand're not like me i hope.
i have run away form the one thing that i ever made.
now i only wish that i could show you -
wish i could show a little soul.
wish i could show a little soul.
Una pequeña alma

Hey man,
¿cómo es que usted trata a su mujer tan malo?
thatand no es la manera de hacerlo.
no no no te shouldnand't que me gusta.
Podría enseñarte cómo hacer las cosas bien.
Yo solía practicar todas las noches a mi esposa, ahora sheand se ha ido.
sí, sheand se ha ido.
ves a tu madre y yo,
que nunca se llevaron tan bien se ve.
Iand'd amor que le ayude
pero everybodyand me está diciendo
te pareces a mí
pero por favor donand't resultan como yo.
te pareces a mí
pero no me youand're como yo sé.
Yo tenía una, dos, tres,
cuatro tiros de la felicidad.
Me veo como un gran hombre
pero iand've sólo tiene un alma pequeña.
Sólo tengo un alma pequeña.
Sí, me gustaría ser un ejemplo.
Desearía poder decir que me puse de pie para usted
y luchó por lo que era correcto.
pero nunca lo hice.
Sólo puse mi abrigo y se quedó a cabo todas las noches.
Crees iand'm bromeando?
bien, me tratan.
Sí, me tratan.
Sí vamos, ponme a prueba esta noche.
Hice lo que estaba mal, aunque yo sabía lo que era correcto.
iand've no recibió la sabiduría que quiero transmitir.
sólo donand't colgar por aquí, no, iand'm diciendo hijo.
que donand't quieres conocerme.

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