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Letra 'Black and Blue' de 'Phillip Larue' traducida al español

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Phillip Larue
Black and Blue

Well the sky is bruised black and blue
Because I beat the stars for you
You said they shined to bright
Made it hard for you to sleep and night

Well you missed the sound of the ocean love
So I caught it in a cage like dove
Brought it to your window to calm you down
Brought it to your window to calm you now

And it's time to forget
This world that you live in
It's time to let go
Of this life that you hold
Don't keep your eyes open for me
You fought a good fight
Now why don't you sleep

Well I'll love you forever
Till heaven kisses earth
But I can't keep you hear
It's not what you deserve
You deserve to walk to run to fly
All the things I wanted for you in this life

What I would do for you
To take the pain away
Oh sister oh my God
What is there left to say?
I'd run a thousand miles
Over sea and land
To find a cure for you
I don't understand
Will you hold my hand?
Help me understand

And its time to forget
This world that you live in
It's time to let go
Of this life that you hold
Don't keep your eyes open for me
You fought a good fight
So why don't you dream
Please dream

Phillip LaRue Natalie LaRue

Behind the Song:
'This song is about my lovely sister Brianna who was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Her story started off quite amazing. She was pronounced dead but then revived after she was born. She has been the super glue in my family and has shaped my faith more than other person has or ever will. I have learned so much from my sister and wish with everything in me I could do something to take away your pain that she walks through daily. I actually wrote this song about a year ago in the hospital when we thought we were going to loose her but every time I sing this song the words ring true in my heart. It is the most personal song I have ever written for the public ear to hear.' - Phillip LaRue
Phillip Larue
Negro y azul

Bueno, el cielo es negro y azul magullada
Porque le gané a las estrellas para ti
Usted ha dicho que brilló con brillantes
Hizo difícil para que usted duerma de noche

Así se perdió el sonido del amor al mar
Así que lo atrapado en una jaula como la paloma
Se lo llevó a su ventana para que te calmes
Se lo llevó a su ventana para que la calma actual

Y ya es hora de olvidar
Este mundo que vive en
Es hora de dejar ir
De esta vida que usted tiene
No mantener los ojos abiertos para mí
Usted peleado la buena batalla
Ahora ¿por qué no dormir

Bueno, yo te amaré por siempre
Hasta que el cielo la tierra besos
Pero no puedo evitar escuchar
No es lo que se merece
Que se merece a caminar a correr a volar
Todas las cosas que yo quería para ti en esta vida

Lo que yo haría por ti
Para eliminar el dolor
Oh hermana oh mi Dios
¿Qué queda por decir?
Yo había corrido a miles de kilómetros
Por mar y tierra
Para encontrar una cura para usted
No lo entiendo
¿Va a tomar mi mano?
Me ayudan a entender

Y su tiempo para olvidar
Este mundo que vive en
Es hora de dejar ir
De esta vida que usted tiene
No mantener los ojos abiertos para mí
Usted fough

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