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Letra 'To Catch A Thief' de 'Lovage' traducida al español

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To Catch A Thief

I feel that you shouldnand't get involved in an intimate relationship
until you are emotionally mature enough to handle it totally
able to cope with your feelings and your sexuality
without guilt, inhabition or phoniness
but with love, tenderness and honesty
Things were disappearing
i my neighborhood
once again somebody
was up to no good
i saw that you were wanted
but not like i wanted you
and thatand's when i knew i had to be with you
and thatand's when i knew if i didnand't iand'd be through
to end my grief iand'd have to catch a thief
your love was my relief my love is your release
Come into my window
itand's open every night
thatand's where iand'll be waiting
iand'll keep off all the lights
iand'm lying on my bed
crown jewels on my head
Iand'd never give you up
so come in from the cold let your hair down
iand'd hide you from the cops
donand't be frightened now my love
iand'll take the life of crime
all to make you mine
Come in off that roof top
youand're so handsome dressed in black
see you in the shadows
iand'd like to see you on your back
take this precious treasure
and i will treasure you
Weand'll run away my dear
some place special have no fear
weand'll even change our names
weand'll be kinky, weand'll be strange
iand'll take the life of crime
all to make you mine
all to catch a thief
your love was my relief my love is your release
your love was my relief my love is your release
all to catch a thief
Atrapa a un ladrón

Siento que shouldnand't involucrarse en una relación íntima
hasta que la madurez emocional para manejar totalmente
capaz de lidiar con sus sentimientos y su sexualidad
sin culpa, inhabition o falsedad
sino con el amor, la ternura y la honestidad
Las cosas estaban desapareciendo
i mi barrio
una vez más a alguien
era para nada bueno
Vi que eran buscados
pero no como yo quisiera
y thatand Fue entonces cuando supe que tenía que estar con ustedes
y thatand cuando yo sabía que si iand'd didnand't ser a través de
para poner fin a mi dolor iand'd tiene que atrapar a un ladrón
tu amor fue mi alivio mi amor es su liberación
Ven a mi ventana
itand está abierto todas las noches
thatand donde iand'll espera
iand'll mantener todas las luces
iand'm acostado en mi cama
joyas de la corona en la cabeza
Iand'd nunca renunciar a
así que venga de un entorno frío soltarse la melena
iand'd que esconderse de la policía
donand't tener miedo ahora mi amor
iand'll tomar la vida de la delincuencia
todo para hacer que la mina
Entrar de que en la azotea
youand're tan guapo vestido de negro
nos vemos en las sombras
iand'd gustaría ver en su

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