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Letra 'Archie and veronica' de 'Lovage' traducida al español

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Archie and veronica

Flowers on your grave
i never loved you
flowers on your grave
i never touched you
iand'll bet that youand're there
never knew you cared
flowers on your grave
Little buttercups and wild daizies
by the lilly pond, remember baby
blowing dandeliens, my only wish was you
Sitting on a cold slab
feeling my warm stab
you know iand'll be missing you
thatand's why iand'm kissing you
Flowers on your grave
i never loved you
flowers on your grave
i never touched you
i paid my respects
too little too late
flowers on your grave
Little buttercups and wild daizies,
by the lilly pond, remember baby
blowing dandeliens, my only wish was you
I look funny all dressed in black
my wet hankerchief wonand't bring you back
now there lowering down
you feel me from underground
Flowers on your grave
i never loved you
flowers on your grave
i never touched you
iand'll bet that youand're there
never knew you cared
flowers on your grave
Little buttercups and wild daizies
by the lilly pond, remember baby
blowing dandeliens, my only wish was you
You are the lucky one
i hope youand've had your fun
for all those nights i set you free
tonight youand'll remember me
Flowers on your grave
i never loved you
flowers on your grave
i never touched you
i paid my respects
too little too late
flowers on your grave
Jealous of the flies and the worms inside me
jealous of the flies and the worms inside me
jealous of the flies and the worms inside me
jealous of the flies and the worms inside me
Archie y Verónica

Flores en su tumba
Yo nunca te amé
flores en su tumba
Nunca me ha tocado
iand'll apostar que hay youand're
No sabía que te importaba
flores en su tumba
Ranúnculos poco y daizies salvaje
junto al estanque, Lilly, recuerde bebé
soplando dandeliens, mi único deseo que se
Sentado en una losa fría
sensación de que mi arma blanca cálida
sabes iand'll be missing you
thatand Es por eso que te está besando iand'm
Flores en su tumba
Yo nunca te amé
flores en su tumba
Nunca me ha tocado
i mis respetos
demasiado poco y demasiado tarde
flores en su tumba
Ranúnculos poco y daizies salvaje,
junto al estanque, Lilly, recuerde bebé
soplando dandeliens, mi único deseo que se
Espero gracioso vestido todo de negro
mi pañuelo mojado wonand't traer de vuelta
ahora bajando hacia abajo
me siento desde el subsuelo
Flores en su tumba
Yo nunca te amé
flores en su tumba
Nunca me ha tocado
iand'll apostar que hay youand're
No sabía que te importaba
flores en su tumba
Ranúnculos poco y daizies salvaje
junto al estanque, Lilly, recuerde bebé
soplando dandeliens, mi único deseo que se
Ayúdanos a mejorar, si encuentras errores ¡Envíanos tu corrección!
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