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Letra 'Heart to heart' de 'Kenny Loggins' traducida al español

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Kenny Loggins
Heart to heart

Heart to heartkenny loggins by kenny loggins, michael mcdonald and david fosteryou ainand't crazyi ainand't gonna lie anymorewhat youand're feelinand'thereand's a reason fori wanna do rightoh, i gotta do rightdo i love you?oh, you know iand've triedbut what youand're afteryou canand't find in my eyesi wanna do rightdarlinand'tell the truthdonand't turn awaythis is our last chanceto touch each others heartsdoes anything last forever?i donand't knowmaybe weand're near the enddarlinand' oh how can we go on togethernow that weand've grown apartwell the only way to startis heart to heartone by oneweand're collecting lieswhen you canand't give loveyou give alibisnow iand'm gonna do rightthis time i gotta do righti donand't wanna leavei donand't wanna say good-byebut sooner or latterthere comes a timewhen you gotta do rightdarlinand'tell the truthdonand't turn awaythis is our last chanceto touch each others heartsdoes anything last forever?i donand't knowmaybe weand're near the enddarlinand' how can we go on togethernow that weand've grown apartwell the only way to startis heart to heartwhy are you so torn apart?i need a little more lovinand' in my heartpeople say that love will growso how was i to knowlove thatand's come through years and yearscanand't find a way back home anymore(solo)darlinand'tell the truthdonand't turn awaythis is our last chanceto touch each others heartsdoes anything last forever?i donand't knowbut maybe weand're near the endso darlinand' oh how can we go on togethernow that weand've grown apartwell the only way to startis heart to heartdoes anything last forever?i donand't knowbut maybe weand're near the endso darlinand' oh how can we go on togethernow that weand've grown apartwell the only way to startis heart to heartã1982 milk money music, genevieve music (ascap)and foster frees music, inc. (bmi)
Kenny Loggins
De corazón a corazón

Corazón de heartkenny Loggins por Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald y David fosteryou ainand't crazyi ainand't voy a mentir anymorewhat youand're feelinand'thereand una razón fori quiere hacer rightoh, tengo que hacer rightdo te quiero? Oh, usted sabe I y ' he triedbut lo youand're afteryou canand't encontrar en mi eyesi quiere hacer rightdarlinand'tell la awaythis vez truthdonand't es nuestro último contacto chanceto de los demás heartsdoes nada dura para siempre? i donand't weand're knowmaybe cerca oh la enddarlinand ' ¿cómo podemos seguir togethernow que weand've crecido apartwell la única forma de corazón startis a heartone por lieswhen oneweand're recogiendo canand't dar loveyou dar alibisnow iand'm va a hacer el tiempo que tengo que hacer rightthis righti donand't quiere leavei donand't quiero decir de buena byebut o temprano llega un latterthere timewhen que tienes que hacer rightdarlinand'tell la awaythis vez truthdonand't es el último toque chanceto cada cosa que otros heartsdoes durar para siempre? i donand't weand're knowmaybe cerca de la 'enddarlinand ¿cómo podemos seguir togethernow que weand've crecido apartwell la única forma de corazón startis a heartwhy estás tan destrozado? necesito un poco más lovinand en mi heartpeople SA

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