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Letra 'Asleep at the wheel' de 'Wallflowers' traducida al español

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Asleep at the wheel

Do you ever stop to count all the invitations
at the end of the day when it comes down to one decision
of dead beat girls and freaks at a peoples convention
all these sugars with no vitamin sensation
Do you ever stop to look over old relations
or look to the belly of another oneand's emotions
someone young in the winds of a revolution
trying to save his face in the evolution
Asleep at the wheel
no windshield
but you know that the streets
here donand't change
Heand's kept alive in the chain of mental starvation
bone rail skinny, only feeding off frustration
unlike you who seem bred from corruption
feeding off the plates of an ununited nation
Asleep at the wheel
no windshield
but you know that the streets
here donand't change
With a lover in the street whose waiting to make a connection
to be the mother to the soul of your next abortion
sheand'll steal your money with the eyes of a babyand's complexion
then sheand'll laugh at you and your sexual invention
Smelling like a rose, in the flowers of devotion
devoted the heat of a spotlight in motion
with a face full of mud even though you were only joking
as if you really understood the value of isolation
Asleep at the wheel
no windshield
but you know that the streets
here donand't change
Your tongue so fast like a freight train coming on rollinand'
every smile you giveand's just to keep your mouth from closinand'
every engine burns as a sign of the explosion
locked in neutral your engines are broken
Like candle wax that sun melts into the ocean
like the moon that lights the tracks of the old train station
you can color in the lines of mother earthand's addictions
and not hold a gun in the face of the earthand's abduction
Asleep at the wheel
no windshield
but you know that the streets
here donand't change
Dormido al volante

¿Te has parado a contar todas las invitaciones
al final del día, cuando se trata de una decisión
de las niñas y los fanáticos de muertos del golpe en una convención de los pueblos
todos estos azúcares con ninguna sensación vitamina
¿Te has parado a mirar por encima de las relaciones antiguas
o buscar en el vientre de las emociones de otra oneand
alguien joven en los vientos de una revolución
tratando de salvar la cara en la evolución
Dormido al volante
sin parabrisas
pero usted sabe que las calles
cambio aquí donand't
Heand ha mantenido vivo en la cadena de hambre mentales
hueso ferrocarril flaco, sólo se alimentan de la frustración
a diferencia de ustedes que parecen generado a partir de la corrupción
alimentándose de las placas de una nación ununited
Dormido al volante
sin parabrisas
pero usted sabe que las calles
cambio aquí donand't
Con una amante en la calle cuya espera para realizar una conexión
para ser la madre del alma de su próxima aborto
sheand'll robar su dinero con los ojos de la tez de un babyand
luego reír sheand'll a usted y su invención sexual
Oliendo a rosas, en las flores de la devoción
dedicada al calor de un foco de luz en movimiento
con la cara llena de barro hasta t

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