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Letra 'Murderous' de 'Nitzer Ebb' traducida al español

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Nitzer Ebb

Where is the youth
Itand's time to know
itand's time to live
itand's time to know
itand's time to live
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
shout golden shouts
Much better now
weand're stronger now
much better now
weand're stronger now
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
shout golden shouts
Now donand't be lazy
with the pleasure of sin
donand't be lazy
with the pleasure of sin
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Where is the youth
where is the gold
where is the youth
where is the gold
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Think of the beauty
think of your pride
think of the beauty
think of your pride
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Donand't back away
donand't back away
donand't back away
donand't back away
Itand's there, itand's there for you
itand's there, itand's there for you
Donand't back away
donand't back away
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
Lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Hear, hear what we say
said hear, hear what we say
Let passion spend
let passion spend
let your passion spend
let your passion spend
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
shout golden shouts
Better now, stronger now
better now, stronger now
Now donand't be lazy
with the pleasure of sin
donand't be lazy
with the pleasure of sin
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Itand's time, itand's time to know
itand's time, itand's time to live
Donand't back away
donand't back away
donand't back away
donand't back away
Think of the beauty
think of your pride
think of the beauty
think of your pride
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
Lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Where is the youth
where is the gold
where is the youth
where is the gold
Now hear, hear what we say
said hear, hear what we say
Let passion spend
let your passion spend
let passion spend
let your passion spend
Now donand't be lazy
with the pleasure of sin
donand't be lazy
with the pleasure of sin
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
lift up your hearts
lift up your hearts
Shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
shout golden shouts
Nitzer Ebb

¿Dónde está la juventud
Itand tiempo para conocer
itand tiempo para vivir
itand tiempo para conocer
itand tiempo para vivir
Gritar gritos de oro
gritar gritos de oro
Alzad vuestros corazones
gritar gritos de oro
Mucho mejor ahora
weand're fuerte ahora
mucho mejor ahora
weand're fuerte ahora
Gritar gritos de oro
gritar gritos de oro
Alzad vuestros corazones
gritar gritos de oro
Ahora donand't ser perezoso
con el placer del pecado
donand't ser perezoso
con el placer del pecado
Gritar gritos de oro
gritar gritos de oro
Alzad vuestros corazones
Alzad vuestros corazones
¿Dónde está la juventud
¿dónde está el oro
¿dónde está la juventud
¿dónde está el oro
Gritar gritos de oro
gritar gritos de oro
gritar gritos de oro
Alzad vuestros corazones
Alzad vuestros corazones
Piense en la belleza
piense en su orgullo
pensar en la belleza
piense en su orgullo
Gritar gritos de oro
gritar gritos de oro
Alzad vuestros corazones
Alzad vuestros corazones
Donand't retroceder
donand't retroceder
donand't retroceder

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