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Letra 'Lick' de 'Joi' traducida al español

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I lose all control
when you grab a hold
and you do your trick
i love it when you lick
Youand've got lock and key
every part of me
know what makes me tick
i love it when you lick
Iand'll put my heels on for you baby
the ones that wrap all around my leg
your every touch excites me
and damnit i aint too proud to beg
and even when youand're not around me
the tingling just wonand't go away
donand't make my body wait no longer
because this pussycatand's ready to play play play play play
I lose all control
when you grab a hold
and you do your trick
i love it when you lick
Youand've got lock and key
every part of me
know what makes me tick
i love it when you lick
Love it when you lick
It feels so good iand'm going crazy
my eyes roll back inside my head
explore my inner warmths of pleasure
and hold on tight
hope you aint scared
i promise iand'll return the favor
iand'll do that trick you canand't resist
two rights donand't make it wrong
makinand' love and'till the break of dawn
emotions all up in a twist twist twist twist twist
I lose all control
when you grab a hold
and you do your trick
i love it when you lick
Youand've got lock and key
every part of me
know what makes me tick
i love it when you lick
Iand'll put my heels on for you baby
the ones that wrap all around my leg
your every touch it just excites me
and damnit i aint too proud to beg
and even when youand're not around me
the tingling, the tingling wont go away
donand't make my body wait no longer
because this pussycatand's ready to play play play play play
Oh oh sing
da da da da da da da da
da da da da da
ba da ba ba ba
ba ba
ba ba
ba ba
I lose all control
when you grab a hold
and you do your trick
i love it when you lick
Youand've got lock and key
every part of me
know what makes me tick
i love it when you lick

Pierdo todo el control
cuando coges una bodega
y lo hace su truco
Me encanta cuando te lama
Youand've tiene cerradura y llave
cada parte de mí
sabe lo que hace que me insultan
Me encanta cuando te lama
Iand'll poner mis talones sobre para usted bebé
los que se envuelven alrededor de la pierna
cualquier contacto que me emociona
maldita sea, y no es demasiado orgulloso para mendigar
e incluso cuando no youand're a mi alrededor
el hormigueo solo wonand't desaparecen
donand't que mi cuerpo no esperes más
porque este pussycatand está listo para jugar Escuchar Escuchar
Pierdo todo el control
cuando coges una bodega
y lo hace su truco
Me encanta cuando te lama
Youand've tiene cerradura y llave
cada parte de mí
sabe lo que hace que me insultan
Me encanta cuando te lama
Me encanta cuando te lama
Se siente tan bien iand'm volviendo loco
mis ojos rueden atrás en mi cabeza
explorar mis warmths interiores de placer
y esperan con tensión
Espero que no tiene miedo
prometo devolver el favor iand'll
iand'll hacer ese truco que canand't resistir
dos derechos donand't que sea malo
makinand 'and'till amor al amanecer
emociones todo en una vuelta de tuerca t

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