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Letra 'St. Mary' de 'Rancid' traducida al español

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St. Mary

She's got a ticket and she's waiting at the station
she's got to get away as far as she can
her problems will arise as sure as the sun shine
she's got to get used to living on the lam
Now marry's out the door with a loaded 44 in her hand
shooting down the law that shot down her dear departed man
When i last saw her she was looking trouble
she said this is the 90's iand'm gonna be alright
she took the greyhound into salinas
i got a letter that she dropped out of sight
Now marry's out the door with a loaded 44 in her hand
shooting down the law that shot down her dear departed man
Shrouded in anger encompassed by pain
he was your best friend and you will never ever ever see him again
Now marry's out the door with a loaded 44 in her hand
shooting down the law that shot down her dear departed man
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