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Letra 'Murphys Law' de 'Cheri' traducida al español

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Murphys Law

I hate to tell you, but i got a bit of bad news
i donand't love you no more
i see life is like a circle
everything you do comes back to you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
you know the car, you missed the last payment
the finance company came and towed it away, towed it away
and the money that you owe to your best friend
you donand't owe him no more
and'cause the ring that you bought me for my birthday
i cashed it in at the store
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
you know the girl that youand've been foolinand' around with
she got married today
what happened to your brand new house
someone took it away
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(hey, what is murphyand's law)
(i dunno)
murphyand's law
(i think, well, lemme see)
(i think whatever could go wrong will go wrong)
(that means weand're in big trouble)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
murphyand's law, sure out to get you
(got it all together, donand't you, baby)
Murphys Law

Odio tener que decirlo, pero tengo un poco de malas noticias
i donand't te quiero más
Veo la vida es como un círculo
todo lo que haces vuelve a ti
(Lo tiene todo junto, donand't ti, baby)
murphyand ley, fuera seguro para llegar
(Lo tiene todo junto, donand't ti, baby)
murphyand ley, fuera seguro para llegar
Conoce el coche, te perdiste el último pago
la entidad financiera llegaron y remolcado lejos, remolcado lejos
y el dinero que le debe a su mejor amigo
donand't usted le debo nada más
and'cause el anillo que me regaló para mi cumpleaños
me cobró en la tienda
(Lo tiene todo junto, donand't ti, baby)
murphyand ley, fuera seguro para llegar
(Lo tiene todo junto, donand't ti, baby)
murphyand ley, fuera seguro para llegar
Conoce a la chica que youand've sido foolinand "en torno a
se casó hoy
lo que le pasó a su marca de la casa nueva
alguien se la llevó
(Lo tiene todo junto, donand't ti, baby)
murphyand ley, fuera seguro para llegar
(Lo tiene todo junto, donand't ti, baby)
murphyand ley, fuera seguro para llegar
(Hey, ¿qué es la ley de murphyand)
(I dunno)
murphyand '

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