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Letra 'My Life In The Knife Trade' de 'Boy Sets Fire' traducida al español

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Boy Sets Fire
My Life In The Knife Trade

How many times
have you noticed that our eyes
hardly ever meet
from your judgment seat
i feel the anger for my very being
fill me in
on when you became such a big part of my life
that i should bother
with all your lies designed to bring me down
wrong again
donand't depend
on any reaction again
I remember the icy walls
that shot up from nowhere
and i can see every lie that youand've ever told yourself
you bleed me dry and i donand't ask why
but iand'm left with the dust
judas kiss i dismiss
thank you all for this
i am untouched
wait again
iand'm not through with the screaming
i contend
that youand've got nothing better to do
Trade my life for a barrel of gold
find someone else before i get too old
if i live my life for aesthetic gain
will you repay me with all your shame
I can see every light inside your brain
go on every time that i walk by
for nods and whispers
your comfort in my suffering
is no longer disturbing
iand'm lost beyond your petty stopwatch
in lifeand's real time
wait again
iand'm not through with the screaming
i contend
that youand've got nothing better to do
Trade my life for a barrel of gold
find someone else before i get too old
if i live my life for aesthetic gain
will you repay me with all your shame
Donand't get up
i was slowly leaving the room
and when the door
of your judgment
swings back around again
maybe iand'll stop to watch
and iand'll go on my way
iand've seen quite enough
of too many childish games
iand'm ashamed of every moment
that i ever gave them the time of day
all the worst of enemies
are somehow always
friends that used to be
Boy Sets Fire
My Life In The Knife Comercio

¿Cuántas veces
¿Ha notado que los ojos
casi nunca se cumplen
de su tribunal
siento el enojo de mi ser
me llene
en cuando se convirtió en una parte tan grande de mi vida
que debo molestar
con todas sus mentiras diseñadas para traerme abajo
mal de nuevo
donand't depende
en cualquier reacción de nuevo
Me acuerdo de las paredes de hielo
Ese tiro de la nada
y puedo ver cada mentira que youand've Alguna vez se dijo
sangrar me seca y me pregunta por qué donand't
pero iand'm quedó con el polvo
El beso de Judas me despido
gracias a todos por este
estoy intacta
esperar de nuevo
iand'm no a través de los gritos
que youand've tienes nada mejor que hacer
Cambiaría mi vida por un barril de oro
encontrar a alguien más antes de que sea demasiado viejo
si yo vivo mi vida para beneficio estético
me vas a pagar con toda su vergüenza
Puedo ver todas las luces en el interior de su cerebro
seguir cada vez que camino por
de gestos y susurros
su consuelo en mi sufrimiento
ya no es preocupante
iand'm lejos de tu pequeño cronómetro
en tiempo real de lifeand
esperar de nuevo
iand'm no a través de la

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