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Letra 'The Ribs of a Broken Umbrella' de 'Bell X1' traducida al español

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Bell X1
The Ribs of a Broken Umbrella

She was only just a girl in a picture,
But he thought if I could only make her smile
Then she'd be mine
He'd fooled it, re-folded it so many times,
He'd already lost some of her to the creases
Precious pieces
He wondered how close he's ever been to her,
In this ebb and flow of the distance between us
Maybe she got the same bus
And he left a trail of string wherever he went
When he was sleepin', he tied it to his toe
If she crossed it, then he'd know

But he knew
That all was unravelling
And he was bare
Stripped of his skin
Like the ribs of a broken umbrella
Sticking out of a bin

He'd pull his collar up against the wind,
Against those who said that trying was the first step to failing
Oh he was railing
And filled with newfound purpose and pride,
He'd make something of this heady glow
Now where would she go?

But what do I know
Cos all is unravelling
And he was bare
Stripped of his skin
Like the ribs of a broken umbrella
Sticking out of a bin

But he knew how to fix it, dear liza, dear liza
With time's great elixir, dear liza, dear liza

She was only just a girl in a picture,
But he thought if I could only make her smile
Then she'd be mine
Oh the thought of being faced with her
Gave him the fear and sometimes in the morning a tent
Oh lord give him strength

Cos he knew
That all was unravelling
And he was bare
Stripped of his skin
Like the ribs of a broken umbrella
Sticking out of a bin
Bell X1
Las costillas de un paraguas roto

Ella era apenas una niña en un cuadro,
Pero pensé que si yo pudiera hacer su sonrisa
Entonces serías mía
Lo había engañado, vuelve a plegar tantas veces,
Ya había perdido parte de ella las arrugas
Piezas preciosas
Se preguntó qué tan cerca que jamás haya estado en ella,
En este flujo y reflujo de la distancia entre nosotros
Tal vez ella tiene el mismo bus
Y dejó una estela de la cadena donde quiera que fuera
Cuando estaba durmiendo, lo ató a su dedo del pie
Si lo cruza, entonces sabría

Pero él sabía
Eso fue todo desentrañar
Y él estaba desnudo
Despojado de su piel
Al igual que las costillas de un paraguas roto
Sobresale de un recipiente

Él iba a quitar el cuello para protegerse del viento,
En contra de quienes dijo que el intento fue el primer paso para no
Oh, que estaba despotricando
Y llena de nuevo propósito y orgullo,
Haría algo de este brillo embriagador
Ahora, ¿dónde iría?

Pero ¿qué sé yo
Porque todo se está desmoronando
Y él estaba desnudo
Despojado de su piel
Al igual que las costillas de un paraguas roto
Sobresale de un recipiente

Pero él sabía cómo arreglarlo, querida Lisa, querida Lisa
Con gran elixir del tiempo, querida Lisa, querida Lisa

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