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Letra 'The Revealing Science Of God (dance Of The Dawn)' de 'Yes' traducida al español

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The Revealing Science Of God (dance Of The Dawn)

Shrutis: the revealing science of god can be seen as an ever-opening flower
in which simple truths emerge examining the complexities and magic of the past
and how we should not forget the song that has been left to us to hear. the
knowledge of god is a search, constant and clear.

dawn of light lying between a silence and sold sources,
cahsed amid fusions of wonder, in moments hardly seen forgotten
coloured in pastures of chance dancing leaves cast spells of challenge,
amused but real in thought, we fled from the sea whole.
dawn of thought transfered through moments of days undersearching earth
revealing corridors of time provoking memories, disjointed but with
craving penetrations offer links with the self instructorand's sharp
and tender love as we took to the air, a picture of distance.
dawn of our power we amuse redescending as fast as misused
expression, as only to teach love as to reveal passion chasing
late into corners, and we danced from the ocean.
dawn of love sent within us colours of awakening among the many
wonand't to follow, only tunes of a different age, as the links span
our endless caresses for the freedom of life everlasting.
Talk tothe sunlight caller
soft summer mover distance mine
Called out a tune but i never saw the face
heard but not replaced
i ventured to talk, but i never lost my place
Cast out a spell rendered for the light of day
lost in lights array
i ventured to see, as the sound began to play
What happened to this song we once knew so well
signed promise for moments caught within the spell
i must have waited all my life for this
moment moment
The future poised with the splendour just begun
the light we were as one
and crowded through the curtains of liquid into sun
And for a moment when our world had filled the skies
magic turned our eyes
to feast on the treasure set for our strange device
What happened to wonders we once knew so well
did we forget what happened surely we can tell
we must have waited all our lives for this
moment moment moment
Star light movements in seasons
release forward
tallest rainbow
sun shower seasons
life flower reasons
They move fast, they tell me,
but i just canand't believe that i can feel it
thereand's someone, to tell you,
amidthe challenge we look around in unison with you
Getting over overhanging trees
let them rape the forest
thoughts would send our fusion
clearly to be home
Getting over wars we do not mean
or so it seems so clearly
sheltered with our passion
clearly to be home
They move fast, they tell me,
but i just canand't believe they really mean to
thereand's someone, to tell you,
and i just canand't believe our song will leave you
skyline teacher
warland seeker
send out poison
cast iron leader
And through the rhythm of moving slowly
sent through the rhythm work out the story
move over glory to sons of old fighters past.
young christians see it from the beginning
old people feel it thatand's what theyand're saying
move over glory to sons of old fighters past.
The move fast, they tell me,
but i just canand't believe they really mean to
thereand's someone, to tell you,
a course towards a universal season
Getting over overhanging trees let them
rape the forest, they might stand and leave them
clearly to be home
getting over wars we do not mean
we charm the movement suffers
call out all our memories
clearly to be home
Weand've moved fast
we need love
a part we offer is our only freedom
What happened to this song we once knew so well
signed promise for moments caught within the spell
we must have waited all our lives for this
moment moment
Past present movers moments weand'll process the future, but only
to touch him we know, send flowered rainbows
that chased flowers of dark and lights of songs
to you, show all we feel for and know of, cast round,
youth is the truth accepting that reasons will relive
and breathe hope and chase and love
for you and you and you
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