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Letra 'I am trying to break your heart' de 'Wilco' traducida al español

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I am trying to break your heart

I am an american aquarium drinker
i assassin down the avenue
iand'm hiding out in the big city blinking
what was i thinking when i let go of you?
Letand's forget about the tongue-tied lightning
letand's undress just like cross-eyed strangers
this is not a joke, so please stop smiling
what was i thinking when i said it didnand't hurt?
I want to glide through those brown eyes dreaming
take it from the inside, baby hold on tight
you were so right when you said that iand've been drinking
what was i thinking when i said good night?
I want to hold you in the bible-black predawn
youand're quite a quiet domino, bury me now
take off your band-aid because i donand't believe in touchdowns
what was i thinking when i said hello?
Iand'd always thought that if i held you tightly
youand'd always love me like you did back then
then i fell asleep and the city kept blinking
what was i thinking when i let you back in?
I am trying to break your heart
i am trying to break your heart
but still iand'd be lying if i said it wasnand't easy
i am trying to break your heart
Disposable dixie-cup drinking
i assassin down the avenue
iand'm hiding out in the big city blinking
what was i thinking when i let go of you?
Loves you
iand'm the man who loves you
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