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Letra 'Snot Nose Kid' de 'Widowmaker' traducida al español

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Snot Nose Kid

Youand're cominand' on strong
youand're right when youand're wronged
you waited all night just to sing me your song
whoa, whoa, whoa
you wanna be friends
i know that you would
youand're up to no good
sad and frustrated, liland' miss understood
whoa, whoa, whoa
letand's do it again
youand're sayinand' go, go, go, go, go
but mean no, no, no, no, no
well, you better take it slow
and'cause iand'm not your father figure
thereand's one thing that i know
Youand're a snot nosed kid
nothinand' but a snot nosed kid
you shoulda thought twice before you did what you did
youand're a snot nosed kid
Your mountains are high
your valleyand's so low
youand've got the equipment, but itand's just for show
whoa, whoa, whoa
you wanna pretend
you want to take gambles
you want to play games
i deal from the bottom, so glad that you came
whoa, whoa, whoa
letand's play it again
youand're sayinand' go, go, go, go, go
but mean no, no, no, no, no
well, you better take it slow
and'cause iand'm not your father figure
thereand's one thing that i know
(repeat chorus)
Youand're livinand' your dream
you made the a-team
youand're so disappointed it ainand't all it seemed
whoa, whoa, whoa
youand're startinand' to bend
you gave it a shot
you gave all youand've got
youand'll probably make ripleyand's believe it or not
whoa, whoa, whoa
will it ever end
youand're sayinand' no, no, no, no, no
but mena go, go, go, go, go
well, you better take it slow
and'cause iand'm not your father figure
thereand's one thing that i know
(repeat chorus)
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