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Letra 'Distant (rubicon 2)' de 'VNV Nation' traducida al español

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VNV Nation
Distant (rubicon 2)

The paths that i once tread
have all but gone.
only embers now smoulder
where bridges once burned.
i feel alive and yet i fear
what may happen now.
i know i canand't return.
And i hear me say again
and'oh let me not returnand'.
damn the illusion of redemption
and the hopes that held me here.
i will oppose all that would befall me.
with this rage inside of me
i will defy what i would become.
The solitude and anger
that do battle inside me
will always guide me to the answers
that i know i may not see.
they are the bonds that hold me tighter.
they are the chains that weigh on me.
one day i know they will be gone.
Can i start again and erase this pain
by casting doubts into the waters,
asking judgement of the sea.
though fortune may guide to the fools
i have no wish to be free
until i am gone.
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