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Letra 'Talula' de 'Tori Amos' traducida al español

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Tori Amos

Congratulate you
said you had a double tongue
balancing cake and bread
say goodbye to a glitter girl
you donand't want to lose her
she must be worth losing
if it is worth something
sheand's brand new now to you
wrapped in your papoose
your little fig newton

say goodbye to the old world
ran into the henchman who severed
anne boleyn
he did it right quickly a merciful man
she said 1 1 is 2
but henry said that it was 3
so it was
here i am

i donand't want to lose it
it must be worth losing
if it is worth something
sheand's brand new now to you
wrapped in your papoose
your little fig newton

and jamaica
do you know what i have done
mary m weaving on said
what you want is in the blood senators
i got big bird on the fishing line
with a bit of a shout a bit of a shout
a bit of an angry snout
heand's my favourite hooker of the whole bunch
and i know about his only bride
and how the russians die on the ice
i got my rape hat on
honey but i always could accessorise
and i never cared too much for the money
but i know right now
that itand's in godand's hands
but i donand't know who the father is

i donand't want to lose him
he must be worth losing
if it is worth something
heand's brand new now to you
wrapped in your papoose
your little fig newton
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