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Letra 'Ophelia' de 'Tori Amos' traducida al español

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Tori Amos

Ophelia your secret is safe
Ophelia you must break the chain
some girls will get their way
some fathers will control from the grave
Ophelia you must remember

Veronica's America is not like--
is not like Charlotte's, one to savor
cosmic flavor
then Alison whispers, 'remember
Change waltzes in with her sister Pain
waiting for you to send her away
wish her well break the chain
break the chain'
I feel you

'The Eve of St. Agnes',
a poem he can't reach you in
Ophelia you know how to lose
but when will you learn to choose
those men who choose to stay
those mothers who won't look the other way
Ophelia you must remember

Veronica's America is not like ---
is not like Charlotte's, one to savor
cosmic flavor
then Alison whispers, 'remember
Change waltzes in with her sister Pain
waiting for you to send her away
wish her well break the chain
break the chain'
I feel you
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