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Letra 'Not David Bowie' de 'Tori Amos' traducida al español

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Tori Amos
Not David Bowie

Vultures in my garden
Figures that I know them
And it is what it is
You were good once
Now you're filled with bitterness
And it is what it is

I cannot forget that he can't forget her
Or that some friends just change like the seasons
Take me back to the fact that you still blame me
But I am not the reason
You are Not David Bowie
Not David Bowie

Now you want to steal the thoughts
That I haven't even thought
And it is what it is
How bout your soul, made a pact with the Devil
But needs a date with the surgeon
And it is what it is

I cannot forget that he can't forget her
Or that some friends just change like the seasons
Take me back to the fact that you still blame me
But I am not the reason
You are Not David Bowie
Not David Bowie

You forgot to value
All of us that bled for you
And it is what it is
You swore you were conscious
Not a champagne spiritualist
And it is what it is

I cannot forget that he can't forget her
Or that some friends just change like the seasons
Take me back to the fact that you still blame me
But I am not the reason
You are Not David Bowie
Not David Bowie
Not David Bowie
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