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Letra 'Demon cleaner' de 'Tool' traducida al español

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Demon cleaner

Iand've got the demons within
iand've got to brush them all away
i feel the demonand's rage
i must clean them all away
yeah, yeah...
Excite to scream them away
cobwebs in the way
that magic cleaner oh
shine his smile on me
yeah, yeah...
I am the demon
cleaner who saves the day
i get the backwall
and important theyand'll always stay
yeah, yeah...
If only one thing that you know
imposters from the show
theyand'll try to trick you into
normal treatment
oh donand't you listen to them say
shush them all away
i am the demon cleaner
madman so
i am the freedom cleaner
standing naked here to say
iand'm the only way...
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