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Letra 'The Cowboy In Me' de 'Tim McGraw' traducida al español

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Tim McGraw
The Cowboy In Me

I don't know why i act the way i do
like i ain't got a single thing to lose
sometimes i'm my own worst enemy
i guess that's just the cowboy in me

i got a life that most would love to have
but sometimes i still wake up fightin' mad
at where this road i'm headin' down might leadin'
i guess that's just the cowboy in me

the urge to run
the restlessness
the heart of stone i sometimes get
the thing i've done for foolish pride
the me that's never satisfied
the face that's in the mirror when i don't like what i see
i guess that's just the cowboy in me

repeat chorus

girl, i know there's times you must have thought
there ain't a line you've drawn i haven't crossed
but you set your mind to see this love on through
i guess that's just the cowboy in you

we ride and never worry about the fall
i guess that's just the cowboy in us all
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