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Letra 'Respect Yourself' de 'The Staple Singers' traducida al español

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The Staple Singers
Respect Yourself

If you disrespect anybody that you run in to
how in the world do you think anybodyand's sand'posed to respect you
if you donand't give a heck and'bout the man with the bible in his hand
just get out the way, and let the gentleman do his thing
you the kind of gentleman that want everything your way
take the sheet off your face, boy, itand's a brand new day
respect yourself, respect yourself
if you donand't respect yourself
ainand't nobody gonna give a good cahoot, na na na na
respect yourself, respect yourself
if youand're walking and'round thinkand'n that the world owes you something cause
youand're here you goinand' out the world backwards like you did when you
first come here keep talkinand' bout the president, wonand't stop air pollution
put your hand on your mouth when you cough, thatand'll help the solution
oh, you cuss around women and you donand't even know their names then youand're
dumb enough to think thatand'll make you a big ol man
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