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Letra 'Have love will travel' de 'The Sonics' traducida al español

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The Sonics
Have love will travel

Wow,have love
whoa baby will travel,
uh huh, uh huh,have love
woah baby will travel,
i said if you need loving then
mm,hmm,iand'll travel.
Yeah,iand'll travel from main to mexico
just to find a little girl that loves me so
no matter when, no matter where iand'll be
iand'm looking for a woman thatand'll satisfy me.
Wow,have love
whoa baby will travel,
uh huh, uh huh,have love
woah baby will travel,
i said if you need loving then
mm,hmm,iand'll travel.
-sax solo-
Yeah,yeah,yeah, have love
oh baby will travel
uh huh,have love
oh pretty baby will travel.
i said if you need loving then
mm, iand'll travel.
Well i might take a boat or iand'll take a plane
i might hitch hike or jump a railroad train
youand're kind of love drives a man insane
so look for me walking just a any old way.
Yeah,yeah,yeah, have love
oh baby will travel
uh huh,have love
oh pretty baby will travel.
i said if you need loving then
mm, iand'll travel.
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