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Letra 'Stand Or Fall' de 'The Fixx' traducida al español

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The Fixx
Stand Or Fall

Crying parents tell their children
if you survive donand't do as we did
a son exclaims thereand'll be nothing to do to
her daughter says sheand'll be dead with you
While foreign affairs are screwing rotten,
line morale has hit rock bottom
Dying embers stand forgotten
talks of peace were being trodden
Stand or fall, state your peace tonite (x2)
Is this the value of our existence
should we proclaim with such persistence
our destiny relies on conscience
red or blue - whatand's the difference
Stand or fall, state your peace tonite (x2)
itand's the euro theatre, (x3)
An empty face reflects extinction
ugly scars divide the nation
desecrate the population
there will be no exhaultation
Stand or fall, state your peace tonite (x2)
its the euro theatre (x3)
Stand or fall
stand or fall
stand or fall
stand or fall
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