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Letra 'Good Night Punk' de 'Switchfoot' traducida al español

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Good Night Punk

Everything I ever need to know
I learned at the punk rock show
The punks should know

How to throw an elbow or a fist
A spitting world of hit and miss
A violent kiss of that and this

But hold on, hold on
I'll never be quite punk enough
Hold on, hold on
I'll never be quite punk enough for you

Ever since I first learned how to spit
I wished I were a punk rock kid, a punk rock kid
I never really knew quite what to do
I'll never be as punk as you
As punk as you, as punk as you
And your tattoo

But hold on, hold on
Punk is more than leather jackets
Hold on, hold on
Punk is dead but pop was never cool
What are we gonna do?
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