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Letra 'A Part Of You' de 'Stream of Passion' traducida al español

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Stream of Passion
A Part Of You

Turn loose the demons
that control your ways;
unleash your anger,
what are you waiting for.
Come on, my dear,
I can take the blow;
blame it all on me,
waht are you waiting for?

Feed on the years
of unmeasured pain;
burn every letter
(oh, how we've done you wrong).
Connect the pieces of a master plan,
blame me for every flaw,
waht are you wating for?
It's my fault; it's my own fault...

We loved till we could love no more,
we gave till we could give no more.

They brought the night,
they brought the reasons for you to drown
(oh, how we've done you wrong).
They broke your name, you could not denyit;
helpless child, how could they do you wrong?
Is it over?

El enemigo está en tu interior, (the enemy inside you)
a part of you I will never know.
You're fighting alone, all alone
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