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Letra 'Smell You Later (Zorak)' de 'Space Ghost' traducida al español

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Space Ghost
Smell You Later (Zorak)

No one is the boss of me
Brak's too ugly for TV
Have you met my girlfriend Bob?
Smell you later, get a job

Smell you later, get a job
Smell you later, get a job
Smell you later, get a, job......

I'm the king of outer space
Do I have something on my face?
I just ate the Beastie Boys
Come on Fuzzy, makes some noise

I am Zorak, hear me roar!
Had enough? I'll give you more
Pull my finger, here's a plan
You be Chico, I'm the man

You be Chico he's the man
You be Chico he's the man
You be Chico he's the, man.........

Let's go down to Chinatown
Press a duck, kick a clown
Play some Bachi with the mob
Smell you later, get a job

Smell you later, get a job
Smell you later, get a job
Smell you later, get a, ja-ha-ha-ha-b

Smell you
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