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Letra 'Behold the night mare' de 'Smashing Pumpkins' traducida al español

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Smashing Pumpkins
Behold the night mare

Iand've faced the fathoms in your deep
Withstood the suitors quiet siege
Pulled down the heavens just to please you
Appease you
The wind blows and i know
I canand't go on, digging roses from you grave
To linger on, beyond the beyond
Where the willows weep
And whirlpools sleep, youand'll find me
The coarse tide reflects sky

And the night mare rides on, and the night mare rides on
With a december black psalm
And the night mare rides on
What i fear is lost here
The wind blows and i know

All you have to do is run away
And steal yourself from me
Become a mystery to gaze into
Youand're so cruel in all you do
But still i believe, i believe in you

So may you come with your own knives
Youand'll never take me alive
With all the force of what is true
Is there nothing i can do?

I canand't go on, digging roses from you grave
To linger on, beyond the beyond
Where the willows weep
And whirlpools sleep, youand'll find me

And the night mare rides on, and the night mare rides on
With a december black psalm
And the night mare rides on

Iand've faced the fathoms in your deep
Withstood the suitors quiet siege
Pulled down the heavens just to please you
To hold the flower i canand't keep
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