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Letra 'Silent Violence' de 'Six Feet Under' traducida al español

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Six Feet Under
Silent Violence

I cut your throat, wide, opening
A hole in your neck
Your blood sprays my skin warm and wet
you can't feel your heart beating
scream no one is listening
I cut your tongue from your mouth

dying you feel yourself slip away
your dead body will be left, unburied
on one will find you dead

All is quiet as I force my fist down your cut throat
Grabing tendons and veins
I pull your insides out through your lipless mouth
Your stiff body is cold and still

dying you feel yourself slip away
your dead body will be left, unburied
on one will find you dead


dying you feel yourself slip away
your dead body will be left, unburied
on one will find you dead

Haphazardly I remove your spleen
And your liver
There is much blood
Eyes have been removed
While you were still alive
Now I tear your flesh, I am ripping your skin

dying you feel yourself slip away
your dead body will be left, unburied
on one will find you dead

Fingerless hands, clenched - I continue to dissect
blood spurting from punctured flesh
your naked body stripped of skin
soon you will rotten
Insects infest your flesh
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