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Letra 'K.I.N.G' de 'Satyricon' traducida al español

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Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Beholding the might
In its dawn of grace
In its beauty and light
In its pride and glory
Rushing torrent - time and space
Elder lords - crack the soil
Gone or dead - you've never been
Kingdom come - hear the roar
Climbing down to rule the earth

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Upon high places
With their heads up high
With their lives at stake
With their blades at hand
Triumph come - beyond the gate
Giants rise - from the pits
Worlds collide - chaos reign
Dawn of gold - age of gods
Climbing down to rule the earth

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns

Lighting strikes - wake up now
He the fourth - hate the weak
Summon all - make the signs
Legions march - earth the void

Bloodshot eyes - metal skin
Serpents tongue - dagger claws
Dragon wings - crooked horns
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