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Letra 'Single Girl' de 'Sandy Posey' traducida al español

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Sandy Posey
Single Girl

The single girl all alone in a great big town
the single girl gets so tired of love letting her down
the lifeand's unreal and the people are homely
and the nights can get so lonely
the single girl needs a sweet loving man to lean on
iand'm a single girl wondering if love could be passing her by
iand'm a single girl and i know all about men and their lies
nobody loves me cause nobody knows me
nobody takes the time to go slowly
the single girl needs a sweet loving man to lean on
i gotta make my own way
thereand's rent i gotta pay
i need a night-time love to get me through the day
iand'm a single girl all alone in a great big town
iand'm a single girl and i get so tired of love letting me down
but thereand's a man iand've yet to know
waiting somewhere iand've yet to go
someday iand'll have a sweet loving man to lean on
(fade while repeating andquot;the single girl needs a sweet loving man to lean
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