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Letra 'Forget Him' de 'Rydell Bobby' traducida al español

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Rydell Bobby
Forget Him

(Forget him)
(Forget him)

Forget him if he doesn't love you,
Forget him if he doesn't care
Don't let him tell you that he wants you
?Cause he can't give you love which isn't there
Little girl, he's never dreaming of you
He'll break your heart, ya wait and see
So don't you cry now, just tell him goodbye now
Forget him and please come home to me

(Forget him if he doesn't love you)
(Forget him if he doesn't care)
Don't let him tell ya that he wants you
?Cause he can't give you love which isn't there
Oh little girl, he's never dreaming of you
He'll break your heart, ya wait and see
So don't you cry now, just tell him goodbye now
Forget him and please come home to me

No don't you cry now better tell him goodbye now
Forget him and please come home to me
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