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Letra 'Dear penis' de 'Rodney Carrington' traducida al español

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Dear penis
i dont think i like you anymore
You used to watch me shave
now all you do is stare at the floor
Oh dear penis
i dont like you anymore
it used to be you and me
a paper towl and a dirty magazine
thats all we needed to get buy
now it seems things have changed
i think that your the one to blame
dear penis i dont like you anymore
Now he sings
Dear rodney
i dont think i like u nemore
cuz when you get to drinkin
you put me places i never been before
dear rodney
i donand't like you any more
Why can we just get a grip
on our man to hand relationship
and come to tems with truely how we feel
if we put our heads together
weand'd just stay home 4ever
Dear penis
i think i like u after all
Oh and rodney
while your shavin shave my balls
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