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Letra 'Amiga gaviota (ingles)' de 'RBD' traducida al español

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Amiga gaviota (ingles)

To you that gave me your life, your love, and your space

To you that loaded in your stomach pain and fatigue

Dulce and Poncho:
To you that fought with some and teeth brave in your
heshe marries and in which quier place

May and Any:
To you fresh rose of April, to you my faithful queruvi

May and Dulce:
To you I dedicate you my kisses, my being my victories

Any and Christopher:
To you my respect Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

To you my warring invensible

May and Any:
To you indefatigable fighter

To you my constant friend

May Dul and Any:
Of every hour

Your name, their common name as the daisies
Always in my mouth heshe witnesses constant in my mind
And for not making so much alade
that woman of who I speak
It is pretty my friend gull
their name is my mother

To you I dedicate you my kisses, my being my victories

To tiiii To tiiii

Any and Christopher:
my respect Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Dulce, Any, May:
And for not making so much alade

So Much Alade

Dulce, Any, May:
That woman of who I speak

Of who I speak

Dulce, Any, May:
It is pretty my friend gull

Their name is my mother

Christopher then Any then Dulce:Mi mother. .....

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