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Letra 'The Great Pretender' de 'Queen' traducida al español

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The Great Pretender

Words and music by buck ram
Oh yes iand'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)
pretending iand'm doing well (ooh ooh)
my need is such i pretend too much
iand'm lonely but no one can tell
Oh yes iand'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)
adrift in a world of my own (ooh ooh)
i play the game but to my real shame
youand've left me to dream all alone
Too real is this feeling of make believe
too real when i feel what my heart canand't conceal
Ooh ooh yes iand'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)
just laughing and gay like a clown (ooh ooh)
i seem to be what iand'm not (you see)
iand'm wearing my heart like a crown
pretending that youand're still around
Yeah ooh hoo
too real when i feel what my heart canand't conceal
Oh yes iand'm the great pretender
just laughing and gay like a clown (ooh ooh)
i seem to be what iand'm not you see
iand'm wearing my heart like a crown
pretending that youand're
pretending that youand're still around
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