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Letra 'I aint marching anymore' de 'Phil Ochs' traducida al español

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Phil Ochs
I aint marching anymore

I ainand't marching anymorephil ochswritten by phil ochs and bob gibsonoh, i marched to the battle of new orleansat the end of the early british warthe young land started growinand'the young blood started flowinand'but i ainand't a-marchinand' anymorebut iand've killed my share of injunsin a thousand different fightsi was there at the little big horni saw many men lyinand'i saw many more dyinand'but i ainand't a-marchinand' anymore chorus itand's always the old to lead us to the war always the young to fall now look at all weand've won with the saber and the gun tell me, is it worth it allfor i stole california from the mexican landfought in the bloody civil waryes i even killed my brothersand so many othersbut i ainand't a-marchinand' anymorefor i marched to the battles of the german trenchin a war that was bound to end all warsoh, i must have killed a million menand now they want me back againbut i ainand't a-marchinand' anymore chorusfor i flew the final mission in the japanese skyset off the mighty mushroom roarwhen i saw the cities burninand'i knew that i was learninand'that i ainand't a-marchinand' anymorenow the labor leaderand's screaminand' when they close the missile plantsunited fruit screams at the cuban shorecall it andquot;peaceandquot; or call it andquot;treasonandquot;call it andquot;loveandquot; or call it andquot;reasonandquot;but i ainand't a-marchinand' any, i ainand't a-marchinand' any more
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