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Letra 'Daddy's Girl' de 'Peter Cetera' traducida al español

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Peter Cetera
Daddy's Girl

When the sun goes down and it's getting late
You say it's time for bed
She just takes her time
Acting like she never heard a word you said.

Little baby wanna hold you tight
She don't ever wanna say good night
She's a lover, she wanna be Daddy's Girl.

When the morning comes
And it's time to go start another day
She won't let you leave, and she does her best
To try to make you stay.

Pretty baby gonna start to cry
She don't ever wanna say good bye
She's a lover, she wanna be Daddy's Girl.

She don't ever wanna be without you.
Never have to worry she won't doubt you.
Then she puts her head upon your shoulder.
Says she'll marry you when she get older.

When the time has come, and she's old enough
To be on her own
She won't understand why you're feelin' sad
Cause she's leaving you all alone.

Little woman gonna make you cry
You don't ever wanna say good bye
She's a lady, she'll always be Daddy's Girl.

Little woman gonna break your heart
Gonna miss her when you're both apart
She's a lady, but she'll always be Daddy's Girl.
She'll always be Daddy's Girl...
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