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Letra 'Swim' de 'Otep' traducida al español

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I can't see the me, that everyone can see,
They see the me that I will never be.
I'm not so strong, or willing to be weak,
I feel misplaced, and sometimes obsolete.

I can't swim,
But I won't drown,
Won't drown, won't drown,Drown.

Well I'm standing in the pouring rain,
But I am dry, and without shame.
Oh I've soaked in something never found.
Well I guess I still could drown.

I don't like the mirror, that they put in my room.
I stand and stare, but all I see is you.
In silent space, I hear what they won't speak.
I give so much, that he may never see.

I can't swim,
But I won't drown,
Won't drown, won't drown,

Well I'm standing in the pouring rain,
But I am dry, and without shame.
Oh I've soaked in something never found.
Well I guess I still could drown.

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