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Letra 'Jean' de 'Oliver' traducida al español

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Jeanoliverfrom the 1969 film andquot;the prime of miss jean brodieandquot; starring oscar-winner maggie smithwritten by rod mckuenpeak chart position # 2 in 1969jean, jean, roses are redall the leaves have gone greenand the clouds are so lowyou can touch them, and socome out to the meadow, jeanjean, jean, youand're young and alivecome out of your half-dreamed dreamand run, if you will, to the top of the hillopen your arms, bonnie jean till the sheep in the valley come home my way till the stars fall around me and find me alone when the sun comes a-singinand' iand'll still be waitinand'for jean, jean, roses are redand all of the leaves have gone greenwhile the hills are ablaze with the moonand's yellow hazecome into my arms, bonnie jean(jean, jean)jean, youand're young and alive!!come out of your half-dreamed dreamand run, if you will to the top of the hillcome into my arms, bonnie jeanjeanla-la-la-la, etc.
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