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Letra 'Forever and a day' de 'Offspring' traducida al español

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Forever and a day

Look at me while i look at you
seeing eye to eye we can never do
you try to tell me what is right
i may not know a lot but i know one thing
if youand've got the answer
then i donand't want to know
if youand've got the answer
just keep it your own
I wonder why our world is ablaze
sometimes i speak aloud to hear what people have to say
i try to have an open mind
but your brain and mouth must not be connected
If youand've got the answer
then i donand't want to know
if youand've got the answer
just leave me alone
I would be patient but it takes so long
i donand't want all this misinformation
all the words that you say
lean on me while i lean on you
if we destroy each other
we might save a life or two
a little sun, a little shine
separates us both by forever and a day
If youand've got a vision
then i donand't want to see
if youand've got a notion
donand't waste it on me
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