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Letra 'They Don't Call It The South For Nothing' de 'Of Mice & Men' traducida al español

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Of Mice & Men
They Don't Call It The South For Nothing

Make waves, make waves, I'm sea, it's all you can take.
Come back, back down now, I'm drifting away.
Your ship's sunk. It's gone down, now your captain is dead.
Your saints become sailors, when my ocean is fed by these,
Bloody waters, Mark my words. Come on.

Alright I want you call to clap along and sing with me:
When I said I'd fight back, I didn't say that I'd fight fair.
I said I'd fight back, I didn't say that I'd fight fair.

Salt your eyes, sleep with all the fishes.
The waves start the flood that's drowning yourself.
Broken, then we'll salt your eyes.
No wind, this sound.

Waves, make waves.
Back down, stop drifting away.
Come back, come back, it's all you can take.
We'll pour salt in your eyes.

I said I'd fight back, I didn't say that I'd fight fair.

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