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Letra 'Reward' de 'Nonpoint' traducida al español

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Rooms spin like hurricanes
Walls begin to breath
When will this be over
Like it more
Then i should
Its taking over me
When will this be over
Fighting for you
Struggling for you
Waiting for you

What do i do this for
All for the high
Why do i do this why
All for the high
I rummage through this disaster
To find a reward
Why do i do this why
All for the high

Torn in half again
I still feel the same
My head spins like a hurricane
I cant see
Right in front of me
Through the shit inside of me
When will this be over
Fighting for you
Struggling for you
Waiting for you

What do i do this for
All for the high
Why do i do this why
All for the high
I rummage through this disaster
To find a reward
Why do i do this why
All for the high

My head spins
Lost control
When will this be over
My eyes roll
Look inside
When will this be over

What do i do this for
All for the high
Why do i do this why
All for the high
I rummage through this disaster
To find a reward
Why do i do this why
All for the high.
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