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Letra 'You're so foxy' de 'No Doubt' traducida al español

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No Doubt
You're so foxy

You caught my fall making out on alcohol
An innocent mistake
And falling in love on accident, I didn't mean to

Constant danger, constant stranger
It started out so sweet
And now we're both feeling incomplete
I don't know how much I can take
We're on, we're off

We're knocked down and getting up
We try to fight it, the agony and ecstasy
And it's painful, but it's worth it
Coz you're so foxy and I think you're kinda good for me
You're so foxy

Mental earthquakes, conversation mistakes
My army of words
I can't belive you're crawling back for more out of desire

Destiny or chemicals, emotions are susceptible
And you I can't resist
I can't seem to walk away from this
So show me how much you can take, are you in or out?

You're knocked down and getting up
You kinda like it, the agony and ecstasy
And it's painful, I'm sorry
But you're so foxy, I can't let you get away from me
Coz you're so foxy

So get out of my way, I'm feeling so in love today
It can't be understood
And when we're feeling good it's really good
The kind of good that feels like fate
We're back and forth

We're knocked down and getting up
We try to fight it, the agony and ecstasy
And it's painful but it's your fault
Coz you're so foxy and you got yourself all over me
You're so foxy

And I can't take it, it's hard to take it
I can't take it
It's painful but it's worth it
Coz you're so foxy
I think you must be good for me
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