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Letra 'Way To Blue' de 'Nick Drake' traducida al español

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Nick Drake
Way To Blue

Donand't you have a word to show what may be done
have you never heard a way to find the sun
tell me all that you may know
show me what you have to show
wonand't you come and say
if you know the way to blue?
Have you seen the land living by the breeze
can you understand a light among the trees
tell me all that you may know
show me what you have to show
tell us all today
if you know the way to blue?
Look through time and find your rhyme
tell us what you find
we will wait at your gate
hoping like the blind.
Can you now recall all that you have known?
will you never fall
when the light has flown?
tell me all that you may know
show me what you have to show
wonand't you come and say
if you know the way to blue?
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