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Letra 'Holiday' de 'Nazareth' traducida al español

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Drinkinand' my wine, makes me feel fine
gonna have me a holiday
poor manand's party, rich manand's daughter
gettinand' hotter and hotter
Sheand's pushinand' way too hard
i donand't want any part of her way
drinkinand' my wine, makes me feel fine
gonna have me a holiday
Itand's a holiday... itand's a holiday
Mama mama please, no more jaguars
i donand't want to be a pop star
mama mama please, no more deckhands
i donand't want to be a sailor man
mama mama please, no more face lifts
i just donand't know which one you is
mama mama please, no more husbands
(i donand't know who my daddy is)
Drinkinand' my wine, wastinand' my time
hidinand' out in my rented dream
lookinand' for attention
a cover story mention in
life magazine
ask the chauffeur who he knows
numbers heand's got, lots of those
Drinkinand' my wine, spendinand' my time
tryinand' to run from this halloween
Itand's a holiday... itand's a holiday
Itand's a holiday... itand's a holiday
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