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Letra 'This Time' de 'Nashville Cast' traducida al español

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Well, you know how it goes
When you meet somebody
That you like somebody
Wanna hold somebody

But you just can't stand
To think about somebody
As another somebody
Becoming someone else
When it all goes to hell

Why can't we keep it on the sweet side
See how it feels to take a slow ride
This time

So you try to run away from the one somebody
That you like somebody
Wanna hold somebody
But you can't stay away from the one somebody
Cause there ain't nobody else running through your dreams
So we complicate things

Why can't we keep it on the sweet side
See how it feels to take a slow ride
This time

You don't need to meet my mama
You don't need the key to my house
We don't need to dream and plan and scheme
Ain't nothing here to figure out

Wouldn't it be nice just to find somebody
That you like somebody
Wanna hold somebody
And you didn't have to worry about losing somebody
Cause you pushed somebody, just a little too hard, too fast
I could use some of that

I wanna get back on the sweet side
I wanna get back on the slow ride
Want every kiss to give me butterflies
See that o, baby come here look in your eyes
This time
This time
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