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Letra 'Boys And Buses' de 'Nashville Cast' traducida al español

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Nashville Cast
Boys And Buses

I had a broken heart and a broken heel
And a break down when those big old wheels
Left with him and left me in a cloud of deep old dust
She was sitting there
With her beehive hair
And said, 'Honey, that's a waste of good mascara.'
She handed me a pink Kleenex
And I'll never forget what she said next,

'Boys and buses got a lot in common
They both pick up speed when you
Try to stop 'em
You could waste your breath
You could scream and cuss 'em
But there's no use chasing after boys and buses.'

She said, 'Some leave with a guitar case,
And some wind up at an army base,
And some make out much under the hood,
And some roll it on out to Hollywood.
But the cost is lost when the ticket's bought
And you can't catch what don't wanna be caught
But when those tail lights start to dim
There's another one coming right around the bend 'cause...

Boys an buses got a lot in common
They both pick up speed when you
Try to stop 'em
You could waste your breath
You could scream and cuss 'em
But there's no use chasin' after boys and buses

Sometimes love and transportation
Will spin their wheels and keep you waiting
But anytime you think you've missed it,
Just give it ten or fifteen minutes.

Boys and buses got a lot in common
They both pick up speed when you
Try to stop 'em
You could waste your breath
You could scream and cuss 'em
But there's no use chasing after boys and buses
Yeah, there's no use chasing after boys and buses
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