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Letra 'Happy Summer Wedding (Translation)' de 'Morning Musume' traducida al español

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Morning Musume
Happy Summer Wedding (Translation)

Pala pala...
Dad, Mom, thanks
I've found someone very special

Pala pala...
Ever since I was born, I've met
Him again and again, it's fate

There were so many times when I was discouraged
And I didn't know what my dreams were
I acted spoiled saying his love wasn't enough
And made things hard for him

Ah, Dad and Mom (yai yai yaa)
Ah, I'm so grateful (hai! hai!)
Ah, I'm sorry (yai yai yaa)
Ah, for all the worry I've caused you (hai! hai!)
I fell in love very hard (fuwa fuwa fu!)
Thank you

Pala pala...
Dad, Mom, thanks
It's embarrassing to say it again, but
andquot;Thank you!andquot;

Pala pala...
The phone and email are just so...
I want to look at your faces when I tell you

During puberty I went through
Just a little bit of a rebellious phase
When I was in school
Dad, you always yelled at my boyfriends
andquot;Who do you think you are...?andquot;

Aa, Dad and Mom (yai yai yaa)
Aa, I respect you (hai! hai!)
Aa, I'm your spoiled daughter (yai yai yaa)
Aa, I'll always be your daughter (hai! hai!)
I want to try to be as considerate as I can (fuwa fuwa fu!)
Of my parents

Pao pao...
Let me introduce Mr. Sugimoto, he works at a securities firm
He's, well, a little short, but he's very kind
His hobby is fishing, just like you, Dad
I mean, you always used to say
andquot;Anyone who likes fishing can't be a bad person.andquot;
Right, Dad?

Ah, Dad and Mom (yai yai yaa)
Ah, I'm so grateful (hai! hai!)
Ah, I'm sorry (yai yai yaa)
Ah, for all the worry I've caused you (hai! hai!)
I fell in love very hard (fuwa fuwa...hai!)

Aa, Dad and Mom (yai yai yaa)
Aa, I respect you (hai! hai!)
Aa, I'm your spoiled daughter (yai yai yaa)
Aa, I'll always be your daughter (hai! hai!)
I pledge with all my heart (fuwa fuwa...fu!)
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